NOTE ...And I offer a whole list of personally created "Therapies" to help you.

Roller Coaster of Life

Roller Coaster of Life
Life's Ups and Downs

Saturday, May 17, 2008

I am Miss ornery mouth ! (revised)

It is either old age, not feeling well, or something else that is contributing to my new found ornery mouth. Lately, I find that I have less patience, a shorter fuse, and the lock on my mouth seems to be broke!! I hope this phase improves before I get myself into trouble. Maybe I need MORE alone time.....or three days of straight movie watching !
NOTE: I have just started a new blog called "Movies...My Therapy". If you are interested, click on the link up at the very top left of this blog where links to my other blogs are. So, if you love movies like I do and they help your depression days, too, you can read the descriptions and opinions I give on the movies I have seen.